Sunday, November 14, 2010

Time line

1.  Axis Age/ Golden Age in Greece - 461-429 BC.
2. Alexander The Great- 331 BC.
3. Constantine the Great - 312 Bc.
4. Julius Caesar/ Fall of the Roman Republic - 81 BC.
5. Rome Sacked/ Falls to Barbarians - 410 AD.
6. Battle of Tours - 732 AD.
7. Charlemagne - 800 AD.
8. William the Conqueror - 1028 AD.
9.. The Great Schism - 1054 AD.
10. Crusades - 1096-1290 AD.
11. Columbus leaves Spain - 1492 AD.
12. Magna Carta - 1215 AD.

Columbus leaves Spain

i will be interviewing Columbus today, date august 24, 1492.
Emily - Hello Columbus!
Columbus- why hello there emily!

Q: so when did you leave Spain?
A: i left Spain August 13, 1492.

Q: why did you leave Spain?
A: i was wanting to go and find if there is another sort of great land form out there.

Q: did you find anything?
A: why yes i did i found the United States!

Q: why is this important?
A: it was important that i found the united states becasue they are an example of a country that did not agree with their home land so they left and rebelled.

Q: what was so important about your voyges?
A: well on my voyges i found many new thinga like the americas and new people and animals, so i migrated them to different places. decovering america was my biggest thing in life that i  have done.

“America Discovered.” Columbus Day. Columbus Day Z12, n.d. Tue 3, Nov. 2010. <>.

Great Schism

Today i will be interviewing Pope Leo IX. Date March 12, 1054.

Emily- hello Pope !
Pope- hey Emily.

Q: so do you mind telling me what the Great Schism was?
A:Great Schism happened in 1054 during the Byzantine Empire in the Christian Church.  There were many schisms between our regions of West and East, but this one finally seperated the Eastern Orthodox Church and my Western Catholic Church. these two churchs started to separate earlier issues, using different languages, rules for priests, and use of icons. in 1053 we sent over some of our representatives to Constantinople.  

Q: What was the effect of this great schism?
A: the effect was that it divide Christian, Orthodox, and Catholic churchs. then that this weaken Constantinople. because of Constantinople then was sacked in 1453 becasue of them being weakened.

Emily- thanks mr pope
pope- anytime


Today i will be interviewing a person from a few of the Crusades. Date 11-30-1294.

Emily- hello!
person from Crusades- hey!

Q: so can you explain to me what the crusades where? and why where they happening?
A: the crusades were holy battles between the Muslims and the Romans in Jerusalem. they were happening becasue they were fighting over their holy lands and who controlles them.

Q: When where the crusades and how many where there?
A: the first crusade was in 1096 A.D and the last one was in 1291 A.D. there were about nine.

Q: what the effect of these crusades?
A: the effect was that people went back to Jerusalem and they started recovering old knowladge and new ideas. it helped Rome come out of the dark ages.

Emily- good story
person- Thanks
ABC-CLIO, 2010. Tue, 3Nov. 2010. )

Magna Carta

Today i will be interviewing King John. Date november 5, 1216.

Emily- hello King John! how are you?
King John- Hey1 i am doing good! lets get started with these questions!

Q: So what is going on with this Magna Carta? can you tell me the story?
A: i would love to tell you the story. People started getting mad when i lost some land to France, when i also lost power with the people, and then when i lost againts the nobles. Because of this the Pope bands religion. The people then forced me to sign the Magna Carta in 1215.

Q: What is the Margna Carta?
A: the Margna Carta states the rights of the barbains and that all the kings must obey the laws along with everyone else.

Q: did you have any acchivements?
A: i think one of the things that i did well was the due process of law. which is the rules that government must follow fair and impartial trials. now the king can not raise taxes unless the grand councle agrees. then parliament also come along and they take care of taxes and expenses. so with all the bad things that happened to me there was still some good things like these.

Emily- Thanks for talking to me!
King John- anytime:)
"King John ." History Learning ., n.d. Web. 6 Nov. 2010. </>.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Battle of Tours

I will be interviewing a Franks Solider. Date november 23, 734 C.E

Emily- hello!
Solider- hey there.

Q: so can you tell me what the Battle of Tours was about?
A: The Battle of Tours happened in 732 A.D. and it was the Franks agasint the Muslims. 50,00 men went to France to fight this battle. Charlies the Hamer Martil won this battle. he was in charge of France. Charlies also stopped the Muslims from moving in to Spain.

Q: oh yeah! i tried to interview him but he was busy today... anyways what was the impact of this battle?
A: this battle was said to have saved Christianity in the Roman Empire. if we did not have stopped the Muslims would have taken over Europe. This battle really helped stopping the Muslims and saving Christianity in Europe.
Emily- Thanks for awancering theses questions!!!

Sources: “Battle of Tours: 732.” Then Again…. David W. Koeller, 13 Mar. 2001. Web. 13 Nov. 2010. <

William the Conqueror

Today i will be interviewing William the Conqueror. Date 1083 B.C
Emily- hello william!
William-  hello!

Q: How did you become the William the Conqueror?
A: well in 1066 i was crowned king and in 1067 the Battle of Hastings happened. i won the battle and i got controled of new land. i have never lost a battle before.

Q: did you have any other achivements?
A: why in fact yes i did! i created something called a Doomsday Book. Also i created a central tax system.

Q: what is a Doomsday book? and why did you create this?
A: a Doomsday book is a censu of the kingdom. it has records of all the people, propert, bulidings, and the livestock. i created this because i wanted a idea of all the stuff there was in my kingdom and what i could tax on the people.

Emily- Thanks for awncering the questions!
William- anytime!

Carelton, Robbert . "William the Conqueror ." World History A. SEaholm High School . Seaholm High School, Birmingham. 4 Nov. 2010.