Sunday, November 14, 2010

Columbus leaves Spain

i will be interviewing Columbus today, date august 24, 1492.
Emily - Hello Columbus!
Columbus- why hello there emily!

Q: so when did you leave Spain?
A: i left Spain August 13, 1492.

Q: why did you leave Spain?
A: i was wanting to go and find if there is another sort of great land form out there.

Q: did you find anything?
A: why yes i did i found the United States!

Q: why is this important?
A: it was important that i found the united states becasue they are an example of a country that did not agree with their home land so they left and rebelled.

Q: what was so important about your voyges?
A: well on my voyges i found many new thinga like the americas and new people and animals, so i migrated them to different places. decovering america was my biggest thing in life that i  have done.

“America Discovered.” Columbus Day. Columbus Day Z12, n.d. Tue 3, Nov. 2010. <>.

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