Sunday, November 14, 2010


Today i will be interviewing a person from a few of the Crusades. Date 11-30-1294.

Emily- hello!
person from Crusades- hey!

Q: so can you explain to me what the crusades where? and why where they happening?
A: the crusades were holy battles between the Muslims and the Romans in Jerusalem. they were happening becasue they were fighting over their holy lands and who controlles them.

Q: When where the crusades and how many where there?
A: the first crusade was in 1096 A.D and the last one was in 1291 A.D. there were about nine.

Q: what the effect of these crusades?
A: the effect was that people went back to Jerusalem and they started recovering old knowladge and new ideas. it helped Rome come out of the dark ages.

Emily- good story
person- Thanks
ABC-CLIO, 2010. Tue, 3Nov. 2010. )

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